Photosynthesis is vital to all life on Earth! Those clever plants make food all by themselves! They conquered renewable, environmentally friendly energy resources way before we did through photosynthesis. Creating matter from sunlight! Aren't they clever? They also provide us with our life giving oxygen and soak up lots of that naughty carbon dioxide that us nasty humans produce! The carbon neutral wonders could save us all. Plant some trees! Come on, what are you waiting for? Save the world.


Here are the key things that you need to know about photosynthesis for science exams! But don't just stare at these facts - turn them into a poster or a mind map or even a poem! Active revision is essential for good retention. Too much? Have a look at the "blagger's guide" at the bottom of the page.

  1. Sun-Powered Food Factory:

    • Imagine plants as little factories that make their own food using sunlight. These factories are called chloroplasts.

    • Inside chloroplasts, there’s a pigment called chlorophyll. It’s like the plant’s solar panel, capturing sunlight.

  2. Recipe for Success:

    • The plant combines two ingredients: carbon dioxide (CO₂) from the air and water (H₂O) from the ground.

    • Using sunlight energy, chlorophyll transforms these ingredients into a special sugar called glucose.

  3. Oxygen Bonus:

    • As a bonus, plants release oxygen (O₂) into the air during this process. So, they’re like Earth’s oxygen factories.

    • We breathe in this oxygen, and plants munch on our exhaled carbon dioxide. It’s a win-win!

  4. Green Magic:

    • Ever wonder why leaves are green? That’s chlorophyll at work!

    • Chlorophyll absorbs sunlight, but it’s picky—it only likes blue and red light. It tosses out green light, which is why leaves look green. ("tosses"? What kind of word is that? Really! .. "reflects" is better- Picky Physics Editor Note )

  5. Ancient Origins:

    • Photosynthesis isn’t new; it’s been around for billions of years. Early plant ancestors were the original photosynthesis pros.

    • They paved the way for our oxygen-rich atmosphere and kept life thriving on our planet.

So, next time you see a leaf basking in sunlight, remember it’s busy cooking up glucose and sharing fresh oxygen with us! Lovely plants! (Apart from broccoli Picky Carnivorous Physics Editor Note) 🌿☀️🍃

The equation for photosynthesis
The equation for photosynthesis


"Leaf it out Governor!" yell the education blaggers, "We can't be bothered wiv this!" No time for a the full epic version? Have no fear! Science in a nutshell.... photosynthesis explained really quickly Superfast facts for the TikTok/ Instagram generation! I won't keep you any longer biology fans...Learn all about photosynthesis in one short minute! (short minutes - is there such a thing? Discuss and write a blog about it. Send it to us and we'll publish it!)