We are all made of atoms? But what are atoms, and indeed, what are atoms themselves made of? We'll keep it simple for now. But over the course of a century and a half, we have finally begun to understand, a bit, what matter is made of. Join us as Chemistry and Physics collide as we all strive to understand the very building blocks of the universe and everything that we see around us. Learn all about protons, neutrons, isotopes and ions. Forged in the cores of ancient stars, we will earn all about atoms of many different sizes. This video will explain..... Already know about atoms? Why not try our lovely quiz? Because it's quite hard, that's why not.....Think you can get full marks? Give it a go.....!

Look at the words below? What are their definitions? How are they related to atomic structure? Hover over the words and images to find out their true meaning! Handy knowledge testing free of charge!

Try this quiz! Use your brains and a calculator might also be useful? Do you know your difference between atomic mass and atomic number? Do you know anything? Less then full marks.... watch the video above and get up to speed. This is vital science knowledge for all!