Imagine that there is a zombie apocalypse or a world wide pandemic (like that's ever going to happen). The power stations are down... there is no electricity - you can't charge your phone! We need to make some electricity so I can "instasnap" Armageddon! But how is electricity generated? How do those magic power stations do it? Voodoo? What on earth has is go to do with magnets? The answers can be found here......
Use the interactive applet from our friends at Phet to investigate how a potential difference can be induced in the could of wire to light the bulb. Make sure that you select the option to use the voltmeter and also experiment with the field lines. Describe what you have to do to generate a continuous power supply.
What affects the direction of the current?
What factors affects how large the induced potential difference is?
What type of electric current is being produced? AC or DC? Explain your answer.
Most energy resources use this principle to generate huge amounts of electricity. Find out how.
Investigation time!
Let’s dive into a concise summary of electromagnetic induction.
Electromagnetic induction refers to the process where a change in magnetic field in a circuit generates an electromotive force (EMF).
This phenomenon was famously discovered by Michael Faraday.
Generator Effect:
The generator effect is the opposite of the motor effect.
Instead of using electricity to create motion, motion is used to create electricity.
When an electrical conductor moves relative to a magnetic field or if there’s a change in the magnetic field around a conductor:
A potential difference (voltage) is induced across the ends of the conductor.
If the conductor is part of a complete circuit, a current is induced in the conductor.
Inducing Potential Difference:
Moving the conductor in a magnetic field:
When a conductor (such as a wire) is moved through a magnetic field, it cuts through the field lines, inducing a potential difference in the wire.
Moving the magnetic field relative to a fixed conductor:
As a magnet moves through a coil, the field lines cut through the turns on the coil, inducing a potential difference.
The direction of the induced potential difference depends on the orientation of the poles of the magnet.
Factors Affecting Induced Potential Difference:
Speed of movement:
Increasing the speed increases the rate at which magnetic field lines are cut, resulting in a larger induced potential difference.
Number of turns on the coils:
More turns on the coils increase the potential difference induced.
Size of the coils:
Larger coils lead to a greater potential difference.
Strength of the magnetic field:
A stronger magnetic field results in a higher induced potential difference.
Generators: Convert mechanical energy (e.g., from turbines) into electrical energy.
Transformers: Use electromagnetic induction to change the voltage of alternating currents.
Remember, electromagnetic induction plays a crucial role in our daily lives, from power generation to everyday devices!

Join Professor Ryan Fox in the depth of lockdown as he desperately works out how to generate his own electricity using electromagnetic induction. Current affairs!