Biology: The study of all living things and the mysterious, fascinating processes of life and colouring in stuff! Can't be bothered to revise in detail? Check out our useful "BIOLOGY BLAGGER'S GUIDE" below.
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In a hurry? Can't be really bothered? Not a fan of revision but looking to scrape through those exams with a respectable grade? You have come to the right place. Here are the vital topic areas you need to have some idea of to know how to blag your way through your exams.

Cell biology and genetics: This covers the structure and function of cells, cell division, DNA, gene expression, genetic engineering, inheritance, variation, evolution, and genetic disorders.
Organisation and bioenergetics: This covers the levels of organisation in living organisms, the digestive system, the circulatory system, photosynthesis, respiration, and metabolism.
Infection and immunity: This covers the causes and effects of communicable diseases, the immune system, vaccination, antibiotics, drug development, and monoclonal antibodies.
Homeostasis and hormones: This covers the regulation of internal conditions, the nervous system, the endocrine system, hormones, diabetes, negative feedback, and human reproduction.
Ecology and environment: This covers the interactions between organisms and their environment, ecosystems, abiotic and biotic factors, adaptation, competition, predation, food chains and webs, trophic levels, carbon and water cycles, biodiversity, deforestation, global warming, and maintaining ecosystems.
BLAGGER'S RISKY STRATEGY: Choose three things from each area. Hope you get lucky on the day. Know some key facts about these areas! Use this method at your own risk. Science geeks accepts no responsibility for people's lives being ruined. If you want to be a doctor, vet or dentist (and not a Blagger), the important thing is to make sure you cover all the specification points and understand the connections between them.