Probably the most important issue facing humanity today. How do we create the power for our energy hungry lives without destroying the planet? We investigate some of the options below. Educators? Need a task for your students? Click this link and send them on their way.......Only the young can save us....and themselves for that matter #happytimes. Fancy and energy resource quiz! Already know your stuff! Well click that button and find out if that is true!
Wind power is the use of wind energy to generate electricity. Wind turbines are used to convert the kinetic energy of wind into mechanical or electrical energy that can be used for power. Wind power is considered a renewable energy source and has a much smaller impact on the environment compared to burning fossil fuels. In 2022, wind supplied over 2000 TWh of electricity, which was over 7% of world electricity. But lots of people don't like them... find out why in the video.

Wind Power

Solar energy is a kind of energy that comes from the sun. We can use solar energy to make electricity, heat, or other things that we need. Solar energy is good for the planet because it does not make the air dirty or cause global warming. Not everyone loves them though, that once beautiful field and open countryside replaced by glaring rows of black semi-conductors. Not in my back yard!
Solar Power

Hydroelectric power is a kind of energy that comes from water. Water falls from high to low and makes a turbine spin. The turbine makes electricity that we can use. Hydroelectric power is good for the planet because it does not make the air dirty with lots of greenhouse gasses. But it can affect ecosystems dramatically, change the water, displace and kill the animals, and displace the people who live near it. Good or bad? Watch the video and decide.
Hydroelectric Power

So, we have introduced you to a few types of renewable energy resources...... Now it's time for you to do the hard work..... Below is a wonderful live pie chart showing the United Kingdom's current electricity usage and how that electricity is being generated! Research all the different energy resources shown in the pie chart? How are they used to generate electricity? What are each resources advantage and disadvantages? Turn your findings into a poster or infographic! Send us your best efforts via our contact form and we will publish them on the website!
Hi there energy fans, time to test your knowledge! We all love electricity! It charges our phones! It make the internet work! Where would we be without it? But we need to generate it, and how we do that has become increasingly important. How much do you know about our energy resources? Which ones are good? Which are bad? Use this quiz to assess your knowledge.