Combustion releases carbon dioxide and that's a problem. But billions of humans rely on it as their main source of energy! It's official definition is "rapid chemical combination of a substance with oxygen, involving the production of heat and light". But the carbon dioxide released contributes to global warming! We are all doomed I tell you! Doomed.
Combustion can be complete or incomplete, depending on how much oxygen there is. Complete combustion makes more energy and only carbon dioxide and water.
Incomplete combustion makes less energy and also carbon monoxide, water, and sometimes black stuff or smoke.
Combustion is very important for life and human history. It is how we make fire, which we use for many things. Combustion is also how we get energy for most of our cars, machines, and factories.
It also cause global warming due to the carbon dioxide it releases! Bad combustion!!
Combustion can be understood using the fire triangle, which shows the three things we need for a fire: fuel, oxygen, and heat. If we take away or block any one of these things, the fire will die. Firefighters use this idea to put out fires.
Combustion means burning something with oxygen and making heat and light. Here's another good revision tip for your assessments! Apparently the human brain likes to learn things in groups of five. So, science geeks proudly presents you with FIVE facts on combustion. (Although strangely, when I use this technique, I can only remember four of them) #awkward

Climate Change - Who Cares?
Climate change? Global warming? Carbon dioxide? What does it all mean and why should we all care? Well it is caused by something called the "greenhouse effect". It could have real implications for human civilisations and our survival. Some people don't even believe in it. Some of these people have a name that rhymes with "Ronald". But I digress.... Interact with this interactive applet from our friends at PHET to discover more. Stick with the wave model if you want to remain sane. Those of you of a more quantum disposition may want to have a look at the other models and delve further.